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Monica Vincent

A relatively new kid on the block Monica Vincent began exhibiting nationally in 2017, following local success as an artist in her hometown, the vibrant Southern art capital of the UK – Brighton, her work has quickly become recognisable, collectable and sought after by all generations.

Being Mum to two girls, a designer of Tattoo Flash and as she jokes the country’s greatest Barista, Monica finds little time left for her own artwork, but find it she does, thankfully!

A self-taught artist Monica enjoys drawing in her sketchbook, taking photographs, designing her own comics, embellishing imagery from popular culture, particularly Disney, Star Wars and Lego characters and manipulating her work using 3D digital mapping and layering techniques.
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Picture of Tattoo Bombs - Small

Tattoo Bombs - Small

Picture of Tattooed Skulls - Small

Tattooed Skulls - Small
